Statement of Intent. More like Bullet points of practice informed by theory.
Where do I fit, in relation to arguments surrounding my Fine Art Photography Practice?
Research as Practice. Sublime. Explore environmental and conceptual narratives via photography.
Photography and film. (landscape as an animated process in a constant state of change. Becoming or disintegrating. Cycles. Film Reel. Feeds.
What is Contemporary sublime? Find the terror in the pretty picture. Dangerous Landscape
Terrible Sublime. Possibly the Proliferation of imagery. (See Hito Steyerl)
Coherent discussion/debate with peers will feed into my practice.
What are the conceptual elements/works that an audience can reflect upon. Who is my audience?
Where is my practice and where is it heading? Demonstrate. Found images.
Feed images. Manipulation / mediation of image. Consider SCALE Use of Trailcam to reduce mediation.
Explore current parallels within photography and pictorialism. Why research past?
How is it still relevant? To represent the sense of Time?
Appropriation, Pastiche, Unpresentable, Sublime.
USING WEBCAM image/experience via remote access.
USING TRAILCAM Unmediated self-referential
FILM. How to present?